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  • Create Date March 2, 2024
  • Last Updated March 2, 2024




Effective quality control techniques play a vital role in ensuring the production of high-quality goods and services while minimizing defects. This study examines the impact of quality control techniques on defect reduction in automobile industries in southeast Nigeria. The research methodology employed is a survey method, utilizing a questionnaire administered to product development consultants and other staff of automobile companies. A total of 344 completed questionnaires were returned and analyzed using frequency tables and percentages. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) and correlation analysis tools were employed to test hypotheses. The findings reveal that deficiencies in the quality of automobiles assembled by the surveyed companies were attributed to components and parts sourced from suppliers. Other contributing factors include non-adherence to the engineering development process, inadequate testing of automobiles, and incorrect assembly due to the incompetence of assembly staff. However, the design of the automobiles was not found to be a significant factor in the quality deficiencies. The implications of the study suggest that quality deficiencies in the surveyed companies cannot be eliminated without giving special attention to the implementation of the product development process. The researcher recommends engaging only qualified assembly staff with the necessary experience and training in assembling tasks. Additionally, it is advised to conduct thorough testing and certification of the quality of components and parts before installation in automobiles. Furthermore, assembled automobiles should undergo comprehensive testing before being marketed to customers. Lastly, continuous feedback from customers should be obtained to enable automobile companies to modify and enhance the value of their products. These recommendations, if implemented, can contribute to the reduction of defects and improvement of overall quality in the automobile industry in south-east Nigeria. Companies need to prioritize the implementation of robust quality control techniques to enhance customer satisfaction, maintain a competitive edge, and build a positive reputation in the market.



                                                        CHAPTER ONE


  • Background of the Study

The ultimate or core aim of an organization in this world today, with the level of competition, is to maximize profit and satisfy the needs of consumers through quality products, irrespective of competitors, and this can be achieved through quality control in an organization. Quality is concerned with the fitness or proper quality of a product and it also goes with its price and delivery Quality control takes the form of fitting standard quality according to specification, delivery, and schedule. The process through which the establish and need standards are established is commonly called the “control series.” This process consists of a university-accepted series of steps applied to problem quality, as follows:

  1. Choosing the control subject means selecting what is to be regulated.
  2. Selecting a standard values that specifies the quality characteristics

iii. Creating sourcing services that can measure this characteristic in terms of a unit of measure

  1. Interpretation of the difference between actual and standard decision-making and acting on the difference.

Quality control is an essential aspect of any organization's operations, aimed at ensuring that products or services meet the required standards and specifications. It involves systematic activities and processes that are designed to prevent, detect, and address defects or deviations from quality standards. Quality control plays a crucial role in identifying and rectifying product defects, thus enhancing customer satisfaction and organizational performance. Quality control is an attempt to identify and analyze weaknesses in a product and decide how best to deal with those problems or weaknesses so that the organization will grow. Sometimes, the problem with a product is not that it fails to perform to specification but rather that it does not offer any significant advantage over competitor products already on the market. An organization may have employees who are able and have appropriate equipment, which leads to an increase in productivity, yet sales fall below that. Expectation: The missing factor in many cases is the lack of an effective quality control model in the organization. A manager in any organization needs to have technical knowledge and competence about their product, the best control model to be adopted, and the best way of handling them effectively.

Among the primary functions of quality control is to identify and eliminate product defects. Defects can arise at various stages of the production or service delivery process, and quality control techniques provide the means to detect and address these issues. By implementing quality control measures, organizations can identify deviations from quality standards, including dimensional variances, material flaws, or performance deficiencies. These techniques enable organizations to intervene promptly, rectify the defects, and prevent the defective products from reaching their customers. Various quality control approaches are available to organizations, depending on the industry and specific requirements. One commonly used approach is statistical process control (SPC), which involves monitoring and controlling the production process using statistical techniques. SPC helps to identify variations in the production process that can lead to defects and enables organizations to take corrective actions before defects occur. Another approach is the use of inspection and testing methods, where products are examined and tested for conformity to quality standards. This approach helps to identify and remove defective items from the production line, ensuring that only quality products are delivered to customers.

Quality control techniques also contribute to defect reduction by facilitating continuous improvement efforts. Through the implementation of quality control measures, organisations can collect data on defects, analyze patterns and trends, and identify the root causes of defects. This data-driven approach allows organizations to make informed decisions and implement corrective actions to prevent the recurrence of defects.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Quality control cannot be ignored if meaningful goals and objectives are expected to be achieved. Quality must be controlled, as must all other resources used to ensure a quality product. Currently, Nigeria's major problem in quality control is the use of outdated or inappropriate technology, and a lack of managerial experience is another problem facing quality control. Despite the availability of quality control techniques, organizations still encounter challenges in effectively reducing defects in their products or services. These challenges may arise from various factors, including inadequate implementation of quality control techniques, a lack of awareness about the most suitable techniques for specific industries, or insufficient integration of quality control into the overall quality management system. Consequently, organizations often struggle to achieve the desired levels of defect reduction and maintain consistent quality standards.

1.3 Research Questions

To address the aforementioned issues, this research aims to answer the following questions:

  1. What are the quality control techniques commonly used in industries to reduce defects?
  2. How do organizations implement quality control techniques to achieve defect reduction?
  3. What are the factors that influence the effectiveness of quality control techniques in defect reduction?
  4. What are the challenges and limitations faced by organizations in implementing quality control techniques for defect reduction?
  5. What are the potential strategies and recommendations to enhance the impact of quality control techniques on defect reduction?

1.4 Research Objectives

The main objectives of this research are as follows:

  1. To examine the various quality control techniques used in industries to reduce defects.
  2. To explore the implementation approaches and strategies employed by organizations to achieve defect reduction through quality control techniques.
  3. To analyze the factors that affect the effectiveness of quality control techniques in defect reduction.
  4. To identify the challenges and limitations faced by organizations in implementing quality control techniques for defect reduction.
  5. To propose strategies and recommendations to enhance the impact of quality control techniques on defect reduction.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will provide valuable insights into the impact of quality control techniques on defect reduction. The research will contribute to the existing body of knowledge by identifying the most effective quality control techniques for defect reduction and shedding light on the implementation challenges faced by organizations. The outcomes of this study will help organizations in various industries enhance their quality management systems, improve product quality, and reduce defects, ultimately leading to increased customer satisfaction and improved business performance.

1.6 Scope of the Study

This research focuses on the analysis of the impact of quality control techniques on defect reduction. The research will primarily concentrate on the process of product development and its implementation in the automobile industry and quality defects in the automobile industry in the south-east of Nigeria.


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